



官忠伟 教授








官忠伟教授主要在纤维金属复合材料(FMLs)、玻璃\碳纤维增强复合材料、复合木结构、低密度PVC泡沫夹层结构、陶瓷颗粒和铝泡沫复合材料、100%可重复使用的高分子复合材料、以及选择性激光熔化(SLM)空间晶体结构在冲击和爆炸下的试验和数值模拟方面取得一系列国际公认和高度评价的研究成果, 先后发表了160 多篇SCI期刊论文,h-index=39,平均影响因子超过4.5,被引用4800多次,同时在国际会议上发表了200多篇论文。主持和共同主持科研项目20多项, 总经费额度超过600万英镑。资助主要来源于欧盟(Northwest Europe Interreg),英国国家自然科学基金会EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Science Research Council), 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目(NSFC)、英国科技革新基金项目(Innovate UK),英国英国Leverhulme基金 (Leverhulme Trust), 英国皇家学会(Royal Society), 英国皇家工程学会(Royal Academy of Engineering) 英国企业(Clarks, KnitMesh等), 外国政府奖学金等。官忠伟教授最近领导一个由6个国家18个单位组成的国际合作组成功获得欧共体500万欧元的科研经费来发展无需使用粘胶的多层木梁、木板和接头以实现无胶木结构,使其能重复使用和减少以至于消除室内有机化合挥发物(VOC)的排放。

官忠伟教授是英国注册工程师(CEng, 英国材料,矿物和矿产学会会员(MIMMM)和英国注册结构工程师(MISructE)。他也是英国复合材料学会国际合作的负责人。




在纤维金属复合材料计算机模拟研究中,针对纤维增强复合材料的特点,(1)建立了本构模型和破坏准则;(2)阐明了如何考虑应变率对材料在爆炸下响应的影响;(3)给出了复合材料逐渐破坏的机理;(4)定量描述了爆炸冲击压力。该成果得到英国内政部应用科学技术中心和学术界的肯定,并作为最近一期顶级复合材料杂志-复合材料科学和技术的首篇文章发表(Sitnikova, E., Guan*, Z.W and Cantwell, W.J. Composites Science and Technology, 2016, 135: 1-12);而且多年在纤维金属复合材料的研究也引起空客公司的注意,并受邀访问空客汉堡公司洽谈合作。

2. 高温热塑性预浸料

高温碳钎维或玻璃钎维预浸料在交通工具,航空和航天工业上有越来越多的应用。官教授团队发展了一种基于水的常温无污染树脂浸渍技术,同时可以加入纳米材料来实现复合材料的多功能性。该课题最近得到了英国科技革新基金资助(30万英镑),并和BAE Systems、空客合作,发展常温无污染树脂浸渍技术来生产热塑性碳钎维和玻璃钎维纳米预浸料。

3. 鞋内和头盔内的温度/相对湿度分布

开发了新颖的(使用微型传感器)试验装置来测量鞋内和头盔内的温度/相对湿度分布以及热传导和质量扩散的计算机模型。使用微型传感器来测量微观气候环境内的温度/相对湿度分布,并结合计算机模拟来优化其热舒适性,对头盔内,衣服内,室内,汽车内,火车内,飞机内,船舱内,坦克车内等微气候环境的控制和检测有潜在的应用。英国Clarks公司和Grey 国际公司对该项研究提供了资助。

4. 无粘胶层合木梁、多层板及木结构连接



(1) Short Term Invitation Research Fellowship by JSPS to visit Kyoto University, Japan, 2002. 由日本科技振兴协会邀请并资助短期访问研究员访问日本京都大学,20021月;

(2) 2014年,在英国剑桥召开的第五届国际计算方法会议(the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods, 28-30 July, 2014, Cambridge, England)上获得最佳论文奖;

(3) 2014年,在马来西亚召开的汽车革新和清洁能源汽车国际会议(the International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Energy Vehicle)上与指导的博士一起获得最佳论文奖;

(4) 2016年,获中国计算力学学会(Chinese Association for Computational Mechanics)颁发的Fellow奖;

(5) Best Teaching Award (MEng 4 Integrated Design), 2014, the University of Liverpool 利物浦大学2014年最佳授课奖(MEng 4 Integrated Design)




1. 第五届国际计算方法会议的主席(the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods),2014728-30日,英格兰剑桥;

2. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 编委 (Editorial Board Member)2013–现在;

3. International Journal of Applied Composite Materials, 编委 (Editorial Board Member)2021–现在;

4.Chair of the Best Paper Award Committee and Co-Chair of the 6th ICCM, 14-17 July, 2015, Auckland, 主持最佳论文奖委员会(the Best Paper Award Committee),共同主持第六届ICCM,2015714-17日,奥克兰;

5. Elected Member of General Council of International Chinese Association for Computational Mechanics中国国际计算力学协会总理事会委员,2007-现在;

6. Member of the British Composites Society and leading International Corporation in the Subcommittee 03英国复合材料学会国际合作小组主任委员, 2010 - 2014;

7. Elected Board Member of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, 英国工程计算力学协会委员,2010-现在;


  The 19th International Conference on Composite Structures, 5-9 September, 2016, Porto, Portugal 19届国际复合结构会议,95-9日,2016年,葡萄牙波尔图

   The 6th International Conference on Computational Methods, 14-17 July, 2015, Auckland, New Zealand 6届国际计算方法会议,714日至17日,2015年,新西兰奥克兰

   The 15th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Prague, Czech Republic, 1-4 September 2015 15届国际土木,结构和环境工程计算会议,布拉格,捷克91-4日,2015

   The 12th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Naples, Italy

2-5 September 2014 12届国际计算结构技术会议,那不勒斯,意大利,92-5日,2014

   The First International Conference on Advanced Composites for Marine Engineering, Beijing/China, 2013 首届国际先进复合海洋机械会议,北京,2013

   The International Forum on Special Equipment and Engineering Mechanics, Nanjing/China, 2013 国际特种设备、机械工程论坛,南京,2013

   The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials and Technologies for Aerospace Applications, Wrexham/UK, 2013 3届国际航天先进复合材料技术应用会议,英国,2013

   The 4th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2012), Gold Coast/Australia, 2012 4届国际计算方法(ICCM2012)会议,黄金海岸,澳大利亚,2012

   The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Polymer Matrix Composites(Compo2012), Harbin/China, 2012 2届国际先进聚合物基复合材料会议(Compo2012),哈尔滨,2012

   The 11th Conference in the Computational Structures Technology, Dubrovnik/Croatia, 2012 11届计算结构技术会议,克罗地亚,2012

   The 18th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM18), Jeju/South Korea 2011 18届国际复合材料会议(ICCM18),韩国,2011

  The 7th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures, Kuching/Malaysia, 2011 7届国际钢铝结构会议,马来西亚,2011

   The 13th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Crete/Greece 2011 13届国际土木,结构和环境工程计算会议,克里特岛,希腊,2011

   The 12th International Conference on the Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, Hong Kong/Macau, 2009 12届国际工程科学计算方法增强提高会议,香港/澳门,2009

   The 12th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Funchal, Madeira/ Portugal, 2009 12届国际土木,结构和环境工程计算会议,葡萄牙,2009

   The 10th International Conference on Timber Engineering, Miyazaki/Japan, 2008 10届国际木材工程会议,日本,2008

   The 9th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens/Greece, 2008 9届国际计算结构技术会议,雅典,希腊,2008

   Concrete Platform, Belfast/UK, 2007 混凝土平台,贝尔法斯特,2007

   The 11th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Malta, 2007 11届国际土木,结构和环境工程计算会议,马耳他,2007

   The 6th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures, Oxford/UK, 2007 6届国际钢铝结构会议,牛津,英国,2007

   The 8th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria/Spain, 2006 8届国际计算结构技术会议,西班牙,2006

   The 10th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Rome/Italy, 2005 10届国际土木,结构和环境工程计算会议,罗马,意大利,2005

9.主持超过20个国际会议的主会场或分会场 2004-现在);

10.超过来自英国和其它国家大学的10个博士学位的主审人(包括英国帝国理工大学,曼彻斯特大学,若丁汉大学,伯明翰大学,加拿大New Brunswick大学,南非开普敦大学等)

11. Foreign Panelist, Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research in UAE (阿联酋科学、技术、研究大学)的评审外国专家, 2012-现在;

12. 四川大学(2011-14),华南理工大学讲座教授(2015-2018);京都大学客座教授(2009);西安交大讲座教授 2020-现在)

13. 杂志评审:近年来为20多个国际一流科学、工程、材料多学科杂志期刊应邀评审稿件300余次。包括Composite Science and Technology, Composite Structures, Composites Part B: Engineering, Impact Engineering, International Mechanical Science等。

14. 国家级大型课题评委, 2000-现在

   EPSRC (英国国家科学基金)

   the French National Research Agency (法国国家研究基金会)

   the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa (南非国家研究基金会)

   the German Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (德国以色列科学研究及发展基金会)

()部分国际学术报告 (keynote or plenary speaks)

1.   Mechanical behaviour of carbon fibre stitched secondary bonded single- and double-lap composite joints, Global Conference on Polymer, Plastics and Composites, 12-13 August, 2021, Budapest, Hungary

2.   Dynamic response of fibre metal laminates subjected to extreme loading, International Conference on Polymer Science and Composite Materials, November 08-10, 2021 in Frankfurt, Germany

3.   Adhesive free wood based composite structures, the 13th International Conference on Wood Research, 2nd September 2021, Indonesia

4.   Fibre metal laminates and their aerospace applications, International Forum on Advanced Equipment and Manufacturing, AVIC Chengdu Aircraft Industrial (Group) Co. Ltd., 28 Oct. 2019, Chengdu, China

5.   Impact and blast response of fibre metal laminates, the 3rd International Forum on Specialized Equipment and Engineering Mechanics, 13-15 November, 2019, Nanjing, China

6.   Development of adhesive free engineered wood products for adhesive free timber buildings, World Mutidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium, 17 June 2019, Prague.

7.   Failure analysis of fibre metal laminates subjected impact and blast, the 26th assembly of Advanced Materials Congress (AMC), 12 June 2019, Stockholm

8.   Plenary Lecture, Chinese Conference on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, 16-20 October, 2016, Hangzhou, China 中国计算力学大会特邀主题报告

9.   keynote speak on the 2nd International Forum on Specialized Equipment and Engineering Mechanics, 27-28 July, 2016, Nanjing, China,第二届国际特殊装备论坛特邀主题报告

10. Thematic Plenary Lecture, The 6th International Conference on Computational Methods, 14-17 July, 2015, Auckland, New Zealand,第六届国际计算力学方法大会特邀主题报告

11. Invited talk, Northwest Composite Centre, October, 2014,英国西北复合材料中心特邀报告

12. Plenary Lecture at the First International Conference on Advanced Composites for Marine Engineering, Beijing/China, 2013,第一届国际先进海洋工程复合材料大会特邀主题报告

13. Plenary Lecture at the International Forum on Special Equipment and Engineering Mechanics, Nanjing/China, 2013,第一届国际特殊装备论坛特邀主题报告

14. Plenary Lecture at the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials and Technologies for Aerospace Applications, Wrexham/UK, 2013,第三届国际先进复合材料和技术在航空上的应用大会特邀主题报告

15. Keynote speech at the 4th International Conference on Computational Method, November 25-27, 2012, Gold Coast, Australia,第四届国际计算力学方法大会特邀专题报告

16. Keynote speech at the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Polymer Matrix Composites (Compo2012), 21-25 July, 2012, Harbin, China,第二届国际计先进高分子基复合材料大会特邀专题报告

17. Invited talk on the Damage Tolerance in Composite Materials Conference, 7 February, 2012, Royal Aeronautical Society,英国航空学会特邀专题报告

18. Plenary Lecture at International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, August, 2011, Suzhou, P. R. China,国际机械工程和力学大会特邀主题报告

19. Invited talk,  Hanyang University, August, 2011, Seoul, Republic of Korea,韩国汉阳大学特邀专题报告

20. Invited talk on Forum of Advances in Helmet Technology, February, 2011, IOM3,英国材料,矿物和矿产学会特邀专题报告

21. Invited talk on the NGS Innovation Forum, November 2010, Oxford,英国国家计算网络革新论坛特邀专题报告

22. Invited talk, University of Science and Technology of China, September 2010,中国科技大学特邀专题报告

23. Invited talk, Xian Jiao-Tong University, China, August 2010,西安交通大学特邀专题报告

24. Invited talk, Hehai University, China, August, September 2010,河海大学特邀专题报告

25. Keynote speech at the CCCM2010 and SCCM8, 20-25 August 2010, Mianyang, China,中国计算力学大会特邀专题报告

26. Invited talk, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, December 2009,香港理工大学特邀专题报告

27. Invited talk on National Grid System Forum, University of Exeter, September 2009,英国国家计算网络论坛特邀专题报告

28. Invited talk, Tokyo University, Japan, August 2009,东京大学特邀专题报告

29. Invited talk, Kyoto University, Japan, July 2009,京都大学特邀专题报告

30. Keynote speech at International Conference on Science, Technology and Education Policy, October 2008, Zhejiang University, China,国际科学技术教育政策大会特邀专题报告

()部分论文 (2016至今)

1. Hui Li, Zelin Li, Zhengyang Xiao, Jian Xiong, Xiangping Wang, Qingkai Han, Jin Zhou, Zhongwei Guan. “Vibro-impact response of FRP sandwich plates with a foam core reinforced by chopped fiber rods”Composites Part B: Engineering. 242: 110077, 2022, ISSN: 1359-8368. IF:11.322.

2. J.F. Dong, Q.Y. Wang, Z.W. Guan, H.K. Chai. “High-temperature behaviour of basalt fibre reinforced concrete made with recycled aggregates from earthquake waste”. Journal of Building Engineering, 48: 103895, 2022, IF: 5.318. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2021.103895. 与成都大学合作发表

3. Li H, Lv H, Zhang T, Han Q, Liu J, Xiong J, Guan Z. “Modeling and evaluation of dynamic degradation behaviours of carbon fibre-reinforced epoxy composite shells”. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 104: 21-33. IF: 5.129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2021.11.015

4. Hui Li, Xintong Wang, Jiming Sun, Sung Kyu Ha, Zhongwei Guan. “Theoretical and experimental investigations on active vibration control of the MRE multifunctional grille composite sandwich plates”. Composite Structures, 2022, 295: 115783, IF: 6.603. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2022.115783

5. Hui Li, Dongsheng Wang, Haiyang Zhang, Xiangping Wang, Zhaoye Qin, Zhongwei Guan. “Optimal design of vibro-impact resistant fiber reinforced composite plates with polyurea coating”. Composite Structures, 2022: 115680, IF: 5.407, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2022.115680

6. Sameer Mehra, Conan O’Ceallaigh, Adeayo Sotayo, Zhongwei Guan, Annette M. Harte. “Experimental investigation of the moment-rotation behaviour of beam-column connections produced using compressed wood connectors”, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 331: 127327. ISSN: 0950-0618. IF: 6.141.

7. Hui Li, Zhao Siqi , Xianjie Shi , Haihong Wu , Qin Zhaoye, Lu Pengxu, Xiangping Wang, and Guan Zhongwei. “Thermal-vibration aging of fiber-reinforced polymer cylindrical shells with polyurea coating: Theoretical and experimental studies”. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022, 1-16. IF: 4.03, https://doi.org/10.1080/15376494.2022.2032886

8. Z. W. Guan*, A. S. Al-Husainy, M. Al Teneiji, Q.Y. Wang. “Concentric and Eccentric Compression Behaviour of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns Strengthened with CFRP”. Applied Composite Materials, 2022.29: 983-1005,IF: 2.32. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10443-021-10003-2。与成都大学合作发表

9. Sara AlMahria, Rafael Santiago, Dong­Wook Lee, Henrique Ramos, Haleimah Alabdouli, Mohamed Alteneiji, Zhongwei Guan, Wesley Cantwell, Marcilio Alves. “Evaluation of the Dynamic Response of Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces Subjected to High Strain-Rate Compression”, Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 8: 102220. ISSN: 2214-8604, IF: 10.998. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2021.102220

10. Peng L, Tan MT, Zhang X, Han G, Xiong W, Al Teneiji M, Guan ZW*. “Investigations of the ballistic response of hybrid composite laminated structures”. Composite Structures, 2021,282:115019-115019.ISSN:0263-8223,IF:5.407. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.115019与成都大学合作发表

11. Sameer Mehra, Conan O’Ceallaigh, Adeayo Sotayo, Zhongwei Guan, Annette M. Harte. “Experimental characterization of the moment-rotation behaviour of beam-beam connections using compressed wood connectors”. Engineering Structures, 2021, 247: 113132. ISSN 0141-0296, IF: 4.471. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113132

12. Xinjie Wang, Xinzhu Wang, Kailin Jian, Linji Xu, Anqi Ju, Zhongwei Guan, and Li Ma. “Mechanical Properties of Al Foams Subjected to Compression by a Cone-Shaped Indenter”, ACS Omega 2021, 6, 2815028161. ISSN: 2470-1343 (print); 2470-1343 (web). IF: 3.512.  https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.1c04217

13. Sameer Mehra, Annette M. Harte, Adeayo Sotayo, Zhongwei Guan and Conan O’Ceallaigh. “Experimental investigation on the effect of accelerated ageing conditions on the pull-out capacity of compressed wood and hardwood dowel type fasteners”, Holz forschung 2021, https://doi.org/10.1515/hf-2021-0097

14. Y. Duan, T. Zhang, J. Zhou, H. Xiao, X. Chen, M. Al Teneiji, Z.W. Guan, W.J. Cantwell. “Energy-absorbing Characteristics of Hollow-cylindrical Hierarchical Honey‐comb Composite Tubes Inspired a Beetle Forewing”. Composite Structures, 2021, 278: 114637. ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 5.407. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.114637

15. Hui Li , Zelin Li , Zhengyang Xiao , Xiangping Wang , Jian Xiong , Jin Zhou , Zhongwei Guan. “Development of an integrated model for prediction of impact and vibration response of hybrid fiber metal laminates with a viscoelastic Layer”. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 197: 106298, 2021. ISSN: 0020-7403, IF: 4.631. 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2021.106298

16. Siavash Namari, Lukas Drosky, Bianka Pudlitz, Peer Haller, Adeayo Sotayo, Daniel Bradley, Sameer Mehra, Conan O’Ceallaigh, Annette M. Harte, Imane El-Houjeyri, Marc Oudjene, Zhongwei Guan. “Mechanical properties of compressed wood”. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 301: 124269. ISSN: 0950-0618. IF: 6.141. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.124269

17. Hui Li , Xintong Wang, Xiaoyue Hu, Jian Xiong, Qingkai Han, Xiangping Wang, Zhongwei Guan. “Vibration and damping study of multifunctional grille composite sandwich plates with an IMAS design approach”, Composites Part B: Engineering. 223: 109078, 2021, ISSN: 1359-8368. IF:9.078. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109078

18. Yi Wang, Weigang Lu, Zhongwei Guan, Ashraf Ashour, Wenjie Ge1, Pu Zhang, Dafu Cao.“The effect of freeze-thaw cycles on flexural behaviour of FRP reinforced ECC beams”,  Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 21: 101, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43452-021-00258-8. IF: 4.369 与成都大学合作发表

19. Li H, Rong WC, Liu Y, Li XP, Guan ZW. “Dynamic model of multiple viscoelastic-layered fiber-reinforced laminate plate with outside metal-layers under base excitation”. Journal of Vibration Engineering. 2021, 34(3):610-618.  ISSN1004-4523.

20. Wenjie Ge, MuYang Han, Zhongwei Guan, Ashraf Ashour, Pu Zhang, Wei Li, Weigang Lu, Dafu Cao. “Tension and bonding behaviour of steel-FRP composite bars subjected to the coupling effects of chloride corrosion and load”, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 296:123641. ISSN: 0950-0618. IF: 6.141. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.123641 与成都大学合作发表

21. W. Ge, K. Chen, Z.W. Guan, A. Ashour, W. Lu and D. Cao. “Eccentric compression behaviour of concrete columns reinforced with steel-FRP composite bars”. Engineering Structures, 2021, 238: 112240. ISSN 0141-0296, IF: 4.471. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.112240

22. C. Sun, P. Jia, J. Zhou, C. Chen, A. Moradi, J. Zhou, M. Altenaiji, W.J. Cantwell and Z.W. Guan*.The effect of carbon fibre stitching on the tensile behaviour of secondary bonded single- and double-lap composite joints”, Composite Structures, 2021, 265: 113774. ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 5.407. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113774

23. Quanjin Ma, MRM Rejab, JP Siregar, Zhongwei Guan. “A review of the recent trends on core structures and impact response of sandwich panels”. Journal of Composite Materials, 2021, 55: 2513-2555. IF: 1.972. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021998321990734

24. Nassier. A. Nassir, R.S. Birch, W. J. Cantwell, M. Al Teneiji and Z.W. Guan*. "The perforation resistance of aluminum-based thermoplastic FMLs". Applied Composite Materials, 2021, 28: 587–605. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10443-021-09873-3

25. C. Sun, W. Zhao, J. Zhou, M. Altenaiji, W.J. Cantwell, Q.Y. Wang and Z.W. Guan*. “Mechanical behaviour of composite laminates repaired with a stitched scarf patch”, Composite Structures, 2021, 255: 112928. ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 5.407. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112928 与成都大学合作发表

26. Kong X, Zhou H, Kuang Z, Zheng C, Li X, Wu W, Guan Z. “Corrected method for scaling the dynamic response of stiffened plate subjected to blast load”, Thin-Walled Structures,Oct 2020, 107214. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2020.107214

27. Bin Ma , Zhengxiang Huang , Zhongwei Guan, Xin Jia, Xudong Zu, Qiangqiang Xiao. “Investigate the effects of magnetic fields on the penetration ability of a shaped charge jet at different standoffs”. Available online in Defence Technology, 30 September 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dt.2020.09.013

28. A.K. Haldar, V. Managuli, R. Munshi, R.S. Agarwal, Z.W. Guan. “Compressive Behaviour of 3D Printed sandwich structures based on corrugated core design”. Materials Today Communications, Sept 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2020.101725

29. Hui Li, Wenyu Wang, Xintong Wang, Qingkai Han, Jinguo Liu, Zhaoye Qin, Jian Xiong, Zhongwei Guan. “A nonlinear analytical model of composite plate structure with an MRE function layer considering internal magnetic and temperature fields”, accepted to be published in Composites Science and Technology, 2020. ISSN: 0266-3538. IF: 7.094

30. Jie Ren, Jianlin Zhong, Lin Yao, Zhongwei Guan. “Experimental Investigation and Theoretical Modelling of a High-pressure Pneumatic Catapult with Considering Dynamic Leakage and Convection”, accepted to be published in Entropy, 2020. ISSN 1099-4300. IF: 2.494

31. Chao Chen, Changze Sun, Xu Han, Dean Hu, Jin Zhou, Zhongwei Guan.The structural response of the thermoplastic composite joint subjected to out-of-plane loading”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2020, 145: 103691. ISSN: 0734-743, IF: 4.208 与成都大学合作发表

32. Zhongping He, Hongyu Yang; Yanlin He; Weisen Zheng; Zhongwei Guan; Lin Li. Influence of Manganese on deformation behavior of lightweight steel at different strain rate. Available online in Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, ISSN: 2238-7854, IF: 5.289 与成都大学合作发表

33. Nassier.A. Nassir, R.S. Birch, W.J. Cantwell, D. Rico Sierra, S.P. Edwardson, G. Dearden, Z.W. Guan*. “Experimental and numerical characterization of titanium-based fibre metal Laminates”, Composite Structures, 2020, 245: 112398. ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 5.138

34. Li Z, Li H, Wang D, Ren C, Zhu X, Zhou J, Guan Z, Wang X. A dynamic response prediction model of fiber-metal hybrid laminated plates embedded with viscoelastic damping core under low-velocity impact excitation”. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2020, 52:1690-1699.

35. Adeayo Sotayo, Dan F. Bradley, Michael Bather, Marc Oudjene, Imane El-Houjeyri and Zhongwei Guan*. Development and Structural Behaviour of Adhesive Free Laminated Timber Beams and Cross Laminated Panels”, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 259: 119821. ISSN: 0950-0618. IF: 6.141 与成都大学合作发表

36. X.D. Zu, Z.X. Huang, Z.W. Guan, X.C. Yin, Y.M. Zheng. “Influence of a liquid-filled compartment structure on the incoming shaped charge jet stability”. In press in Defence Technology, 2020. IF: 1.261

37. Z.W. Guan*, A.S. Al-Husainy, Q.Y. Wang, S.W. Jones, C. Su, L.Q. Liu. Numerical modelling of recycled and normal aggregate CFRP-strengthened concrete-filled steel columns subjected to lateral impact”, Journal of Composites for Construction, 2020, 24(5), ISSN: 1090-0268, IF: 2.606 与成都大学合作发表

38. Zhongping He, Hongyu Yang, Yanlin He, Weisen Zheng, Zhongwei Guan, Lin Li. “Strain Rate Effects on Tensile Deformation Behavior of Fe–3.5Mn–0.3C–5Al Ferritic Based Lightweight Steel”, Materials Science & Engineering Technology, 2020, 51 (9): 1285-1294. 与成都大学合作发表

39. Lyazid bouhala, David Fiorelli, Ahmed Makradi, Salim Belouettar, Adeayo Sotayo, Dan Bradley, Zhongwei Guan. “Advanced numerical investigation on adhesive free timber structures”. Composite Structures, 2020, 246: 112389. ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 4.829

40. Z.W. Xu, Y.H. Chen, W.J. Cantwell, Z.W. Guan*. “Multiscale modelling of scaling effects in the impact response of plain woven composites”, Composites Part B: Engineering. 2020, 188: 107885. ISSN: 1359-8368. IF: 9.078. 与成都大学合作发表

41. Li H, Wu HS, Lü HY, Li ZL, Guan ZW. “Analysis of nonlinear damping characteristics of fiber-reinforced composite thin plates with temperature dependence”. Journal of Vibration Engineering. 2020, 33(2):247-255.  ISSN1004-4523.

42. R. A. Alia, J. Zhou, Z. Guan, Q. Qin, Y. Duan and W.J. Cantwell. “The Effect of Loading Rate on the Compression Properties of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Honeycomb Structures”, accepted to be published on Journal of Composite Materials, 2019. 与成都大学合作发表

43. Adeayo Sotayo, Daniel Bradley, Michael Bather, Pooya Sareh, Marc Oudjene, Imane El-Houjeyri, Annette M. Harte3, Sameer Mehra3, Conan O’Ceallaigh3, Peer Haller4, Siavash Namari4, Ahmed Makradi, Salim Belouettar, Lyazid Bouhala, François Deneufbourg, Zhongwei Guan*. “Review of State of the Art of Dowel Laminated Timber Members and Densified Wood Materials as Sustainable Engineered Wood Products for Construction and Building Applications”, Developments in the Built Environment, December 2019, 1: 100004.

44. Hui Li, Tinan Zhang, Zelin Li, Bangchun Wen, and Zhongwei Guan. “Modeling of the nonlinear dynamic degradation characteristics of fiber-reinforced composite thin plates in thermal environment”. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 98(1): 819-839. ISSN: 0924-090X, IF: 4.339.

45. Z.W. Guan, A.R. Dullah, R. Yuan, Y. Chen, Q.Y. Wang. “Experimental investigation on the thermal and moisture mapping of cricket helmets using microsensor technology”. Measurement, 2019, 150: 107104. IF: 3.364. 与成都大学合作发表

46. PingSong, Wen-binLi, YuZheng, Zhong-wei Guan, Xiao-ming Wang, Wen-xuXu and Peng Ge. “The constitutive behavior of Ti–5Al–3V–2Cr–2Fe under high-velocity impact: Experimental, modeling, and validation”. Available online on Journal of Alloys and Compounds, August 2019. ISSN: 0925-8388, IF: 3.779

47. Pu Jia, Lang Li, Jiangfeng Dong, Qingyuan Wang, Zhongwei Guan. “Determination of the crack initiation stress, elastic modulus and ultimate crack length in TPBT concrete beams based on shear deformation theory”. In press in Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019. ISSN: 0013-7944. IF: 2.908 与成都大学合作发表

48. Xiangshao Kong , Hu Zhou , Cheng Zheng , Haibao Liu , Weiguo Wu , Zhongwei Guan, John P. Dear. “An experimental study on the mitigation effects of fine water mist on confined-blast loading and dynamic response of steel plates”, available online in International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019. ISSN: 0734-743, IF: 3.344. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2019.103370

49. Zhi Xu, Miao Chen, Cheng Su, Xueming Fan, Zhongwei Guan. “Dynamic analysis of multi-crack problems by the spline fictitious boundary element method based on Erdogan fundamental solutions. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 107: 33-46. ISSN: 0955-7997. IF: 2.243.

50. A. Jamil, Z.W. Guan*, W.J. Cantwell, X.F. Zhang, G.S. Langdon, Q.Y. Wang. “Blast response of aluminium/thermoplastic polyurethane sandwich panels – experimental work and numerical analysis”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019, 127: 31-40. ISSN: 0734-743, IF: 3.344 与成都大学合作发表

51. A. Haldar, W.J. Cantwell, G. Langdon, Q.Y. Wang and Z.W. Guan*. “The mechanical behaviour of spherical egg-box sandwich structures”. Polymer Testing, 2019, 78 (105954). ISSN: 0142-9418, IF: 2.464. 与成都大学合作发表

52. I. El-Houjeyri, V-D. Thi, M. Oudjene, M. Khelifa, Y. Rogaume, A. Sotayo, Z. Guan. “Experimental investigations on adhesive free laminatedoak timber beams and timber-to-timber joints assembled usingthermo-mechanically compressed wood dowels”, Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 222: 288-299. ISSN: 0950-0618. IF: 4.046

53. Wei Xiong, Xianfeng Zhang, Li Zheng, Kuo Bao, Haihua Chen and Zhongwei Guan. “The shock-induced chemical reaction behaviour of Al/Ni composites by cold rolling and powder compaction”, Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54: 6651-6667. ISSN: 0022-2461, IF: 2.599

54. Nassier, A. Nassir, R.S. Birch, W.J. Cantwell, Q.Y. Wang, L.Q. Liu, Z.W. Guan*. “The perforation resistance of glass fibre reinforced PEKK composites”. Polymer Testing, 2018, 72: 423-431. ISSN: 0142-9418, IF: 2.464. 与成都大学合作发表

55. Hui Li, Pengcheng Xue, Zhongwei Guan, Qingkai Han, Bangchun Wen. “A new nonlinear vibration model of fiber-reinforced composite thin plate with amplitude-dependent property”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 94(3): 2219-2241. ISSN: 0924-090X, IF: 4.339.

56. Hui Li, Huaishuai Wu, Tinan Zhang, Bangchun Wen, Zhongwei Guan. “A nonlinear dynamic model of fiber-reinforced composite thin plate with temperature dependence in thermal environment”. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2019, 162: 206-218. ISSN: 1359-8368, IF: 4.920

57. A. Al-Rifaie, S.W. Jones, Q. Wang and Z.W. Guan*. “Experimental and numerical study on lateral impact response of concrete filled steel tube columns with end plate connections”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 121: 20-34. ISSN: 0734-743, IF: 3.344 与成都大学合作发表

58. Nassier, A. Nassir, Z.W. Guan*, R.S. Birch and W.J. Cantwell. “Damage initiation in composite materials under off-centre impact loading”. Polymer Testing, 2018, 63: 456-461. ISSN: 0142-9418, IF: 2.464. 与成都大学合作发表

59. A. Haldar, Z.W. Guan*, W.J. Cantwell, Q.Y. Wang. “The compressive properties of sandwich structures based on an egg-box core design”. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2018, 144: 143-152. ISSN: 1359-8368, IF: 4.920 与成都大学合作发表

60. RA Alia, S Rao, R Umer, J Zhou, C Zheng, Z Guan, WJ Cantwell. “The crushing characteristics of reinforced Nomex honeycomb”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, available online in August 2018. ,  ISSN: 0731-6844, IF: 1.471

61. Cheng Zheng, Xiang-shao Kong, Wei-guo Wu, Shuang-xi Xu and Zhong-wei Guan. “Experimental and numerical studies on the dynamic response of steel plates subjected to confined blast loading”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 113: 144-160. ISSN: 0734-743, IF: 3.344

62. Zhou, J., Guan, Z.W. and Cantwell, W.J. “The Energy-Absorbing Behaviour of Composite Tube-reinforced Foams”, Composites Part B: Engineering. 2018, 139: 227-237. ISSN: 1359-8368, IF: 4.920

63. Cihan Kaboglu, Iman Mohagheghian, Jin Zhou, Zhongwei Guan, Wesley Cantwell, Sabu John, Bamber R K Blackman, Anthony J Kinloch, John P Dear. “High-velocity impact deformation and perforation of fibre-metal laminates”, Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53: 4209-4228. ISSN: 0022-2461, IF: 2.599

64. Zhi Xu, Cheng Su and Zhongwei Guan. “Analysis of multi-crack problems by the spline fictitious boundary element method based on Erdogan fundamental solutions”, available online on May 2018 in Acta Mechanica. ISSN: 0001-5970, IF: 1.851.

65. Zhang H, Li JK, Guan ZW, Liu YJ, Qi DK, Wang QY. “Electron beam welding of Nimonic 80A: Integrity and microstructure evaluation”. Vacuum, 2018, 151: 266-274. ISSN: 0042-207X. IF: 1.530

66. Yu Chen, Jiageng Xu, Shaoxiong Xie, Rui Nie, Zhongwei Guan, Qingyuan Wang, Jianguo Zhu. “Ion Doping Effects on the Lattice Distortion and Interlayer Mismatch of Aurivillius-Type Bismuth Titanate Compounds”, Materials, 2018, 11(5), 821: 1-15. ISSN 1996-1944, IF: 2.654.

67. Zhang H, Guan ZW, Wang QY, Liu YJ, Li JK. “Effects of Stress Ratio and Microstructure on Fatigue Failure Behavior of Polycrystalline Nickel Superalloy”. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27: 2534-2544. ISSN: 0142-9418. IF: 1.331 与成都大学合作发表

68. H. Zhang, Chongxiang Huang, Zhongwei Guan, Jiukai Li, Yongjie Liu, Ronghua Chen, Qingyuan Wang. “Effects of the Electron Beam Welding Process on the Microstructure, Tensile, Fatigue and Fracture Properties of Nickel Alloy Nimonic 80A”. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27(1): 89-98. ISSN: 0142-9418. IF: 1.331 与成都大学合作发表

69. Z.W. Xu, Z.W. Guan, W.J. Cantwell. “An Experimental Study of Scaling Effects in the Perforation Resistance of Woven CFRP Laminates”. Composite Structures. 2017, 181: 285-293.  ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 4.101 与成都大学合作发表

70. Bin Ma , Zhengxiang Huang , Zhongwei Guan , Xudong Zu, Xin Jia, Qiangqiang Xiao. “Research of the Axial Strong Magnetic Field Applied at the Initial Period of Inertial Stretching Stage of the Shaped charge Jet”, available online in International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2017, 113: 54-60. ISSN: 0734-743, IF: 3.344

71. Bin Ma , Zhengxiang Huang , Zhongwei Guan , Xin Jia , Qiangqiang Xiao , Xudong Zu. “Theoretical analysis of the acceleration effect of the magnetic field on the shaped charge jet”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2017, 133: 283-87. ISSN: 0020-7403, IF: 3.570

72. A. Al-Rifaie, Z.W. Guan*, S.W. Jones and Q. Wang. “Lateral Impact Response of End-Plate Beam-Column Connections”, Engineering Structures. 2017, 151: 221-234.  ISSN 0141-0296, IF: 2.755 与成都大学合作发表

73. Anshari, B., Guan, Z.W*. and Wang, Q.Y. “Modelling of Glulam beams pre-stressed by compressed wood”, Composite Structures, 2017165: 160-170. ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 4.101 与成都大学合作发表

74. Jamil, A., Guan, Z.W. and Cantwell, W.J. “The Static and Dynamic Response of CFRP Tube Reinforced Polyurethane”, Composite Structures, 2017, 161: 85-92.  ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 4.101

75. Lei Guo, Yong He, Xianfeng Zhang, Yuan He, Jiajie Deng, Zhongwei Guan. “Thermal-mechanical analysis on the mass loss of high-speed projectiles penetrating concrete targets”, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2017, 65: 159-177. ISSN: 0997-7538, IF: 2.881

76. Chen, Y, Xie, S, Wang, H, Chen, Q, Wang, Y, Zhu, J and Guan, Z. “Dielectric abnormality and ferroelectric asymmetry in W/Cr co-doped Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics based on the effect of defect dipoles”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 696: 746-753. ISSN: 0925-8388, IF: 3.779 与成都大学合作发表

77. Xu, Z., Yang, F., Guan, Z.W. and Cantwell, W.J. “An Experimental and Numerical Study on Scaling Effects in the Low Velocity Impact Response of CFRP Laminates. Composite Structures, 2016, 154: 69-78.ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 4.101

78. Pan, J., Zhang, X., He, Y., Deng, Q. and Guan, Z.W. “Theoretical and Experimental Study on Detonation Wave Propagation in Cylindrical High Explosive Charges with a Wave-shaper”, Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, 2016, 13(3): 658-676; DOI: 10.22211/cejem/65004. ISSN 1733-7178; IF: 0.94

79. Yubing Hu, Wei Zhang, Wei Jiang, Liang Cao, Yizhou Shen, Huaguan Li, Zhongwei Guan, Jie Tao, Jiang Xu. “Effects of exposure time and intensity on the shot peen forming characteristics of Ti/CFRP laminates”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2016, 90: 96-104. IF: 4.514

80. Zuhri, M.Y.M, Liao, Y., Q.Y. Wang and Guan, Z. W. “The Energy Absorbing Properties of Bamboo-based Structures", online in Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2017, ISSN: 1099-6362. IF: 2.776

81. Sitnikova, E., Guan, Z.W* and Cantwell, W.J. “The analysis of the ultimate blast failure modes in fibre metal laminates”. Composites Science and Technology, 2016, 135: 1-12. ISSN: 0266-3538. IF: 5.160

82. Dong, J.F., Wang, Q.Y. and Guan, Z.W. “Material properties of basalt fibre reinforced concrete made with recycled earthquake waste”, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 130: 241-251. ISSN: 0950-0618. IF: 3.485

83. Xu, Z., Yang, F., Guan, Z.W. and Cantwell, W.J. “An Experimental and Numerical Study on Scaling Effects in the Low Velocity Impact Response of CFRP Laminates. Composite Structures, 2016, 154: 69-78.  ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 3.853.

84. Zuhri, M.Y.M, Liao, Y., Q.Y. Wang and Guan, Z. W. “The Energy Absorbing Properties of Bamboo-based Structures", accepted to be published in  Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2016, IF: 2.852. 与成都大学合作发表

85. Sitnikova, E., Guan, Z.W and Cantwell, W.J. “The analysis of the ultimate blast failure modes in fibre metal laminates”. Composites Science and Technology, 2016, 135: 1-12. IF: 3.897. 与成都大学合作发表

86. Dong, J.F., Wang, Q.Y. and Guan, Z.W. “Material properties of basalt fibre reinforced concrete made with recycled earthquake waste Construction & Building Materials”, accepted to be published in Construction and Building Materials, 2016. IF: 2.421. 与成都大学合作发表

87. Haldar A.K., Zhou J. and Guan Z.W. “Energy absorbing characteristics of the composite contoured-core sandwich panels”, Materials Today Communications, 2016, 8: 156-164. 与成都大学合作发表

88. Longquan Liu, Han Feng, Huaqing Tang and Zhongwei Guan, “Impact resistance of Nomex honeycomb sandwich structures with thin fibre reinforced polymer facesheets”, available online in Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2016, DOI: 10.1177/1099636216664076, IF: 2.852

89. Bookong, T., Shen, Y.O., Guan, Z.W. and Cantwell, W.J. “The Low Velocity Impact Response of Curvilinear-core Sandwich Structures”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2016, 93: 28-38. ISSN: 0734-743X, IF: 2.646

90. Zhou, J., Guan, Z.W. and Cantwell, W.J. “Scaling Effects in the Mechanical Response of Sandwich Structures Based on Corrugated Composite Cores”, Composites Part B: Engineering. 2016, 93: 88-96. ISSN: 1359-8368, IF: 3.85

91. Shakir, A.S., Guan, Z.W. and Jones, S.W. “Lateral impact response of the concrete filled steel tube columns with and without CFRP strengthening”, Engineering Structures, 2016, 116: 148-162. ISSN 0141-0296, IF: 1.893

92. Wang, H.M., Huang, Z.Y., Jiang, J.S., Liu, K., Duan, M.Y., Lu, Z.W., Cedelle, J., Guan, Z.W., Lu, T.C. and  Wang, Q.Y.  “Unique mechanical properties of nano-grained YAG transparent ceramics compared with coarse-grained partners”, Materials Design, 2016, 105(9): 9-15. ISSN: 0261-3069, IF: 3.997. 与成都大学合作发表

93. Chen, Y., Miao, C., Xie, S., Xu, L., Wang, Q., Zhu, J. and Guan, Z.W. “Fracture behaviors and ferroelastic deformation in W/Cr Co-doped Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics”, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 2016, 99(6): 2103-2109. DOI: 10.1111/jace.14169. ISSN: 1551-2916. IF: 2.787

94. Chen, Y., Miao, C., Xie, S., Xu, L., Wang, Q., Zhu, J. and Guan, Z.W. “Microstructural evolutions, elastic properties and mechanical behaviors of W/Cr Co-doped Bi4Ti3O12 Ceramics”, Materials & Design, 2016, 90: 628-634. ISSN: 0261-3069, IF: 3.997

95. Umer, R., Rao, S., Zhou, J., Guan, Z. and Cantwell, W.J. “The Low Velocity Impact Response of Graphene Modified Composites Manufactured using Automated Dry Fiber Placement”, Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2016, 24(4): 233-240. ISSN: 1478-2391.

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