








周敏教授主要在原子系统等效连续体、纳米线、纳米尺度机械与热性能理论、动态断裂、动态剪切带、微观力学、有限元模拟、含能材料热稳定与点火、可充电锂电池电极材料可靠性及化学-力学耦合、及材料动态性能激光干涉检测方面取得一系列国际公认和高度评价的研究成果。主持和共同主持科研项目35项,总经费额度超过1200万美元,外加约3500万小时的大型超级并行计算机机时。资助主要来源于美国国家科学基金会NSF (The National Science Foundation), 美国国防部陆军研究局ARO (Army Research Office)、美国国防部空军科学技术研究局AFOSR (Air Force Office of Scientific Research)、美国国防部空军研究实验室AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory)、美国国防部海军研究局ONR (Office of Naval Research),美国国家航空宇航局NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)、美国国防部衰减大规模杀伤武器威胁研究局DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency)、美国陆军工程部工程研究与发展中心ERDC (Engineering Research and Development Center of the US Army Corps of Engineers)、美国国家科学基金会计算材料设计中心NSF-CCMD (The National Science Foundation Center for Computational Materials Design)、韩国国家科学研究基金会 NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea)、中国国家自然科学基金海外青年合作基金。



(一) 获得的重要奖项

[1] 2000年美国国家科学基金会青年科学家奖(NSF CAREER award)

[2] 2005年被选为美国机械工程师学会FellowFellow of ASME)。

[3] 2004Sigma Xi最佳论文奖。

[4] 2004Woodruff优秀学者奖 (Woodruff Faculty Fellowship) 

[5] 2006SAIC最佳论文奖(SAIC Outstanding Research Paper Award)


(二) 在国际学术组织部分兼职  

[1] 2012 Society of Engineering Science (SES) Annual Technical Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 9-12, 2012,工程科学协会年会大会副主席、技术日程主席(Chair, Technical Programs);

[2] Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 编辑 (Editor)2010–现在;

[3] International Scientific Committee, Advances in Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics (AIMM’11), September 18-23, 2011, Seoul, Korea;

[4] Sigma Xi Research Society 学会分会主席(President), 2012–现在; 副主席 (Vice President), 2010–2012;

[5] Scientific Committee, 3rd International Symposium on Explosion, Shock wave and High-energy reaction Phenomena 2010 (3rd ESHP Symposium), September 1-3, 2010, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; 4th International Symposium on Explosion, Shock wave and High-energy reaction Phenomena 2013 (ESHP 2013), March 27–29, 2013, Nago, Okinawa, Japan;

[6] International Advisory Committee, International Conference on Computational Design in Engineering (CODE2012), November 13-16, 2012, Seoul, Korea;

[7] Foreign Reviewer, Global Research Network Program, National Research Foundation of Korea (韩国国家科学研究基金会评审外国专家), 2011;

[8] Foreign Panelist, Global Research Network Program, National Research Foundation of Korea (韩国国家科学研究基金会评审外国专家), 2011;

[9] 韩国首尔国立大学世界级大学(World Class University)讲座教授,2009-现在;

[10] 美国机械工程师学会(ASME), Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology杂志副主编(associate editor), 2000-2008

[11] 美国机械工程师学会(ASME), Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology杂志客座主编(Guest editor), 2003-2007

[12] Engineering Fracture Mechanics 杂志客座主编 (Guest editor), 2003-2008

[13] 16th European Conference of Fracture (ECF16), Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 3-7, 2006, (大会组织委员会委员,顾问,分会主席)

[14] American Physical Society (APS) Shock Compression of Condensed Matter-2001 (SCCM-2001)   Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 24-29, 2001, (美国物理学会凝聚态物理双年会大会组织委员会委员,分会主席)

[15] ASME Mechanics & Materials Conference, Symposium on Ductile Damage and Failure Mechanics, McNU'97, June 29-July 2, 1997, Northwestern University, Chicago,(美国机械工程师学会年会分会主席,组织者)

[16] Advisor, Institute of International Education美国国际教育学院顾问, Houston, Texas, 2008;

[17] 杂志评审:近年来为40多个国际一流科学、工程、材料多学科杂志期刊应邀评审稿件200余次。包括Science, Physical Review Letters, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, Nano Letters, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Physical Review BActa MetallurgicaActa Materialia 等。


(三) 代表性论文论文:

[1] S. Avachat and M. Zhou, Compressive Response of Sandwich Plates to Water-based Impulsive Loading, International Journal of Impact Engineering 93, 196–210, 2016;

[2] P. Xiao, Z. Kang, A. A. Bansihev, J. Breidenich, D. A. Scripka, J. Christensen, C. J. Summers, D. D. Dlott, N. N. Thadhani and M. Zhou, Laser-excited Optical emission response of CdTe quantum dot/polymer nanocomposite under shock compression, Applied Physics Letters 108, 011908, 2016;

[3] Y. Li and M. Zhou, Prediction of fracture toughness scatter of composite materials, Computational Materials Science 116, 44-51, 2016;

[4] S. Avachat and M. Zhou, High-speed Digital Imaging and Computational Modeling of Hybrid Metal-Composite Plates Subjected to Water-based Impulsive Loading, Experimental Mechanics, accepted, 2015;

[5] J. Moon, M. Cho and M. Zhou, Size- and structure-dependence of thermal and mechanical behaviors of single-crystalline and polytypic superlattice ZnS nanowires, Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 214307, 2015;

[6] C. J. Lammi, H. Li, D. L. McDowell and M. Zhou, Dynamic fracture and dissipation behaviors of concrete at the mesoscale, International Journal of Applied Mechanics 7(3), 1550038, 2015;

[7] S. Avachat and M. Zhou, High-speed Digital Imaging and Computational Modeling of Dynamic Failure in Composite Structures Subjected to Underwater Impulsive Loads, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 77, 147-165, 2015;

[8] S. Avachat and M. Zhou, Response of Submerged Metallic Sandwich Structures to Underwater Impulsive Loads, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 10(1) 17-41, 2015;

[9] S. Kim, Y. Horie and M. Zhou, Ignition Desensitization of PBX via Aluminization, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 46(10), 4578-4586, 2015;

[10] S. Avachat and M. Zhou, Response of Cylindrical Composite Structures to Underwater Impulsive Loading, Procedia Engineering, 88, 69-76, 2014;

[11] D.B. Hardin, J.J. Rimoli and M. Zhou, Analysis of the Thermomechanical Response of Polycrystalline HMX under Impact Loading through High Fidelity Mesoscale Simulations, AIP Advances 4, 097136, 2014;

[12] S. Kim, A. Barua, Y. Horie and M. Zhou, Ignition Probability of PBXs Accounting for Multiple Sources of Material Stochasticity, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 174902, 2014;

[13] A. Barua, S. Kim, Y. Horie and M. Zhou, Computational Analysis of Ignition in Heterogeneous Energetic Materials, Materials Science Forum  767, 13-21, 2014;

[14] K. Jung, M. Cho and M. Zhou, Structure and thermomechanical behavior of bent GaN nanowires, Computational Materials Science, 81, 524–529, 2014;

[15] J. J. Jung, M. Cho and M. Zhou, Density functional theory study of effective Li diffusion pathways in rutile RuO2, AIP Advances 4, 017104, 2014;

[16] B. Ellis, B. DiPaolo, D. L. McDowell, M. Zhou, Experimental investigation and multiscale modeling of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete panels subject to blast loading, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 69, 95-103, 2014;

[17] C. Lammi and M. Zhou, Multiphysics modeling of fire-induced cracking in high-performance concrete, International Journal of Multiphysics, 8(1) 101-121, 2014;

[18] B. Ellis, D. L. McDowell and M. Zhou, Simulation of Single Fiber Pullout Response with Account of Fiber Morphology Cement and Concrete Composites, Cement and Concrete Composites 48, 42-52, 2014;

[19] Y. Li, D. L. McDowell and M. Zhou, A multiscale framework for predicting fracture toughness of polycrystalline metals, Materials Performance and Characterization, 3(3), 157-172, 2014;

[20] A. Barua, S. Kim, Y. Horie and M. Zhou, Prediction of probabilistic ignition behavior of PBXs from microstructural stochasticity, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 184907, 2013;

[21] K. Jung, M. Cho and M. Zhou, Thermal conductivity prediction for GaN nanowires from atomistic potential, AIP Advances, 3, 072123 (2013);

[22] J. J. Jung, M. Cho and M. Zhou, Ab initio study of the fracture energy of LiFePO4/FePO4, Journal of Power Sources, 243, 706-714, 2013;

[23] Y.F. Gao, M. Cho and M. Zhou, Review: mechanical reliability of alloy-based electrode materials for rechargeable Li-ion batteries, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 27(5), 1205-1224, 2013;

[24] M. Zhou, Exceptional properties by design, Science, 339, 1161-1162, 2013;

[25] J. J. Buck, D. L. McDowell and M. Zhou, Effect of microstructure on load-carrying and energy-dissipation capacities of UHPC, Cement and Concrete Research, 43, 34-50, 2013;

[26] Y. F. Gao, M. Cho and M. Zhou, Stress relaxation through interdiffusion in amorphous lithium alloy electrodes, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 61, 579–596, 2013;

[27] Y. Li and M. Zhou, Prediction of Fracture Toughness of Ceramic Composites as a Function of Microstructure: I. Numerical Simulations, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 61, 472–488, 2013;

[28] Y. Li and M. Zhou, Prediction of Fracture Toughness of Ceramic Composites as a Function of Microstructure: II. Analytical Model, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 61, 489–503, 2013;

[29] Y. F. Gao and M. Zhou, Coupled mechano-diffusional driving forces for fracture in electrode materials, Journal of Power Sources, 230, 176-193, 2013;

[30] A. Barua, S. Kim, Y. Horie and M. Zhou, Ignition Criterion for Heterogeneous Energetic Materials Based on Hotspot Size-Temperature Threshold, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 064906, 2013;

[31] N. Bailey, M. A. Battley and M. Zhou, Experimental Method for Dynamic Residual Strength Characterization of Aircraft Sandwich Structures, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 18(1), 64-81, 2013;

[32] J. J. Buck, D. L. McDowell and M. Zhou, Microstructure-Performance Relations of UHPC accounting for effects of a-quartz-to-coesite silica phase transformation, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50, 1879-1896, 2013;

[33] A. Barua and M. Zhou, Computational analysis of temperature rises in HMX-Estane PBXs, Computational Mechanics, 52:151–159, 2013;

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