








官忠伟教授主要在纤维金属复合材料(FMLs)、玻璃碳纤维增强复合材料、复合木结构、低密度PVC泡沫夹层结构、陶瓷颗粒和铝泡沫复合材料、100%可重复使用的高分子复合材料、以及选择性激光熔化(SLM)空间晶体结构在冲击和爆炸下的试验和数值模拟方面取得一系列国际公认和高度评价的研究成果。主持和共同主持科研项目20多项, 总经费额度超过600万英镑。资助主要来源于欧盟(Northwest Europe Interreg),英国国家自然科学基金会EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Science Research Council), 英国Leverhulme基金 (Leverhulme Trust), 英国皇家学会(Royal Society), 英国皇家工程学会(Royal Academy of Engineering), 英国企业(Clarks, KnitMesh等), 外国政府奖学金等。官忠伟教授最近领导一个由6个国家18个单位组成的国际合作组成功获得欧共体500万欧元的科研经费来发展无需使用粘胶的多层木梁、木板和接头以实现无胶木结构,使其能重复使用和减少以至于消除室内有机化合挥发物(VOC)的排放。

官忠伟教授是英国注册工程师(CEng, 英国材料,矿物和矿产学会会员(MIMMM)和英国注册结构工程师(MISructE)。他也是英国复合材料学会国际合作的负责人。



(一) 获得的重要奖项

[1] Short Term Invitation Research Fellowship by JSPS to visit Kyoto University, Japan, 2002. 由日本科技振兴协会邀请并资助短期访问研究员访问日本京都大学,20021月;

[2] 2014年,在英国剑桥召开的第五届国际计算方法会议(the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods, 28-30 July, 2014, Cambridge, England)上获得最佳论文奖;

[3] 2014年,在马来西亚召开的汽车革新和清洁能源汽车国际会议(the International Conference on Automotive Innovation and Green Energy Vehicle)上与指导的博士一起获得最佳论文奖;

[4] 2016年,获中国计算力学学会(Chinese Association for Computational Mechanics)颁发的Fellow奖;

[5] Best Teaching Award (MEng 4 Integrated Design), 2014, the University of Liverpool 利物浦大学2014年最佳授课奖(MEng 4 Integrated Design)


(二) 在国际学术组织部分兼职  

[1] 第五届国际计算方法会议的主席(the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods),2014728-30日,英格兰剑桥;

[2] International Journal of Impact Engineering, 编委 (Editorial Board Member)2013–现在;

[3] Chair of the Best Paper Award Committee and Co-Chair of the 6th ICCM, 14-17 July, 2015, Auckland, 主持最佳论文奖委员会(the Best Paper Award Committee),共同主持第六届ICCM,2015714-17日,奥克兰;

[4] Elected Member of General Council of International Chinese Association for Computational Mechanics中国国际计算力学协会总理事会委员,2007-现在;

[5] Member of the British Composites Society and leading International Corporation in the Subcommittee 03英国复合材料学会国际合作小组主任委员, 2010 - 2014;

[6] Elected Board Member of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, 英国工程计算力学协会委员,2010-现在;

[7] 相关国际会议编委或国际科学委员会委员

(三) 代表性论文论文(2013年至今):

[1] Xu, Z., Yang, F., Guan, Z.W. and Cantwell, W.J. “An Experimental and Numerical Study on Scaling Effects in the Low Velocity Impact Response of CFRP Laminates. Composite Structures, 2016, 154: 69-78.  ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 3.853.

[2] Zuhri, M.Y.M, Liao, Y., Q.Y. Wang and Guan, Z. W. The Energy Absorbing Properties of Bamboo-based Structures", accepted to be published in  Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2016, IF: 2.852. 与成都大学合作发表

[3] Sitnikova, E., Guan, Z.W and Cantwell, W.J. The analysis of the ultimate blast failure modes in fibre metal laminates. Composites Science and Technology, 2016, 135: 1-12. IF: 3.897. 与成都大学合作发表

[4] Dong, J.F., Wang, Q.Y. and Guan, Z.W. Material properties of basalt fibre reinforced concrete made with recycled earthquake waste Construction & Building Materials, accepted to be published in Construction and Building Materials, 2016. IF: 2.421. 与成都大学合作发表

[5] Haldar A.K., Zhou J. and Guan Z.W. Energy absorbing characteristics of the composite contoured-core sandwich panels, Materials Today Communications, 2016, 8: 156-164. 与成都大学合作发表

[6] Longquan Liu, Han Feng, Huaqing Tang and Zhongwei Guan, “Impact resistance of Nomex honeycomb sandwich structures with thin fibre reinforced polymer facesheets”, available online in Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2016, DOI: 10.1177/1099636216664076, IF: 2.852

[7] Bookong, T., Shen, Y.O., Guan, Z.W. and Cantwell, W.J. “The Low Velocity Impact Response of Curvilinear-core Sandwich Structures”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2016, 93: 28-38. ISSN: 0734-743X, IF: 2.646

[8] Zhou, J., Guan, Z.W. and Cantwell, W.J. “Scaling Effects in the Mechanical Response of Sandwich Structures Based on Corrugated Composite Cores”, Composites Part B: Engineering. 2016, 93: 88-96. ISSN: 1359-8368, IF: 3.85

[9] Shakir, A.S., Guan, Z.W. and Jones, S.W. “Lateral impact response of the concrete filled steel tube columns with and without CFRP strengthening”, Engineering Structures, 2016, 116: 148-162. ISSN 0141-0296, IF: 1.893

[10] Wang, H.M., Huang, Z.Y., Jiang, J.S., Liu, K., Duan, M.Y., Lu, Z.W., Cedelle, J., Guan, Z.W., Lu, T.C. and  Wang, Q.Y.  “Unique mechanical properties of nano-grained YAG transparent ceramics compared with coarse-grained partners”, Materials Design, 2016, 105(9): 9-15. ISSN: 0261-3069, IF: 3.997. 与成都大学合作发表

[11] Chen, Y., Miao, C., Xie, S., Xu, L., Wang, Q., Zhu, J. and Guan, Z.W. “Fracture behaviors and ferroelastic deformation in W/Cr Co-doped Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics”, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 2016, 99(6): 2103-2109. DOI: 10.1111/jace.14169. ISSN: 1551-2916. IF: 2.787

[12] Chen, Y., Miao, C., Xie, S., Xu, L., Wang, Q., Zhu, J. and Guan, Z.W. “Microstructural evolutions, elastic properties and mechanical behaviors of W/Cr Co-doped Bi4Ti3O12 Ceramics”, Materials & Design, 2016, 90: 628-634. ISSN: 0261-3069, IF: 3.997

[13] Umer, R., Rao, S., Zhou, J., Guan, Z. and Cantwell, W.J. “The Low Velocity Impact Response of Graphene Modified Composites Manufactured using Automated Dry Fiber Placement”, Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2016, 24(4): 233-240. ISSN: 1478-2391.

[14] Zhou, J., Guan, Z.W. and Cantwell, W.J. “Modelling of the Compression Behavior of Foam Cores Reinforced with Composite Rods”, available online in Polymer Composites, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/pc.23812. ISSN: 0272-8397, IF: 2.004

[15] Dong, J.F., Wang, Q.Y. and Guan, Z.W. “Material and structural response of steel tube confined recycled earthquake waste concrete subjected to axial compression”, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2016, 68(6): 271-282. ISSN 0024-9831, IF: 1.277

[16] Alia, R.A., Guan, Z.W., Haldar, A.K. and Cantwell, W.J. “A numerical study of the energy-absorption characteristics of metal tube reinforced polymer foams”, available online in Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2015, doi: 10.1177/1099636215603035. IF: 2.852

[17] Chen, Y., Xie, S., Liang, D., Peng, Z., Wang, Q., Zhu, J. and Guan, Z.W. Influence of sintering temperatures on microstructures and electrical properties of Bi4Ti2.95W0.05O12.05 + 0.2 wt%Cr2O3 ceramics, Materials Research Bulletin, 2015, 70: 272-278. IF: 2.435

[18] Liu, L, Wang, H. and Guan, Z.W. “Mechanical behavior of the composite curved laminates in practical applications”, International Journal of Steel and Composite Structures, 2015, 19 (5): 1095-1113. IF: 1.796.

[19] Alia, R.A., Guan, Z.W., Umer, R. and Cantwell, W.J. “The Energy-absorbing Properties of Internally Reinforced Composite-metal Cylinders with Various Diameter-to-thickness Ratios”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2015, 34(9): 731-741. IF: 1.32.

[20] Liu, L, Meng, P., Wang, H. and Guan, Z.W. “The flatwise compressive properties of Nomex honeycomb core with debonding imperfections in the double cell wall”, Composites Part B: Engineering. 2015, 76: 122-132. ISSN: 1359-8368, IF: 3.85

[21] Zhou, J., Guan, Z.W., Cantwell, W.J. “The influence of strain-rate on the perforation resistance of fibre metal laminates”. Composite Structures, 2015, 125: 247-255. ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 3.853.

[22] Liu, L, Wang, H. and Guan, Z.W. “Experimental and numerical study on the mechanical response of Nomex honeycomb core under transverse loading”, Composite Structures, 2015, 121: 304-314. ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 3.853

[23] Alia, R.A., Guan, Z.W., Jones, N. and Cantwell, W.J. “The Energy-absorption Characteristics of Metal Tube Reinforced Polymer Foams", Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2015, 17(1): 74-94. IF: 2.852

[24] Zhou, J., Guan, Z.W., Cantwell, W.J. and Liao, L., “The Energy-Absorbing Behaviour of Foam Cores Reinforced with Composite Rods Composite Structures”, Composite Structures, 2014, 116: 346-356. ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 3.853

[25] Zhong, S., Shen, L., Zhou, L. and Guan, Z.W., “Predict human body indentation lying on a spring mattress using a neural network approach”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2014, 228 (8): 787-799. ISSN: 0954-4119, IF: 1.419

[26] Xiong, W., Zhang, X.F., Guan, Z.W., He, Y., Qiao, L. and Guo, L.L. “Study of simple plane wave generator with an air-metal barrier”, Defence Technology, 2014, 10 (2): 190-197. ISSN: 2214-9147.

[27] Sitnikiva, E., Guan, Z.W, Cantwell, W.J. and Schleyer, G.K.,”Modelling of perforation failure in fibre metal laminates subjected to high impulsive blast loading”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 51: 3135-3146. ISSN: 0020-7683, IF: 2.081.

[28] Guo, L., He, Y., Zhang, X.F., Pang, C.X., Qiao, L. and Guan, Z.W., “Study mass loss at microscopic scale for a projectile penetration into concrete”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2014, 72: 17-25. ISSN: 0734-743X, IF: 2.646

[29] Altenaiji, M., Guan, Z.W., Cantwell, W.J., Zhao, Y. and Schleyer, G. “Characterisation of aluminium matrix syntactic foams under drop weight impact”, Materials & Design, 2014. 59: 296-302. ISSN: 0261-3069, IF: 3.997

[30] Guan, Z.W., Aktas, A., Potluri, P., Cantwell, W.J., Langdon, G. and Nirick, G.N., “The blast resistance of stitched sandwich panels”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2014, 65: 137-145. ISSN: 0734-743X, IF: 2.646

[31] Zuhri, M.Y.M, Guan, Z. W. and Cantwell, W. J., “The mechanical properties of natural fibre based honeycomb core materials”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2014, 58: 1-9. ISSN: 1359-8368, IF: 3.85

[32] Langdon, G.S., Cantwell, W.J., Guan, Z.W. and Nurick, G.N., " The response of polymeric composite structures to air-blast loading: a state-of-the-art", International Materials Reviews, 2014, 59(3): 159-177. ISSN 0950-6608, IF: 7.914

[33] Zhou, J., Guan, Z.W. and Cantwell, W.J., “The Impact Response of Graded Foam Sandwich Structures “, Composite Structures, 2013, 97: 370-377.  ISSN: 0263-8223, IF: 3.853

[34] Zhang, X.F., Zhang, J., Qiao, L., Shi, A.S., Zhang, Y.G., He, Y. and Guan, Z.W. Experimental study on compression properties of Al/W/PTFE granular composites at elevated strain rates, Materials Science & Engineering: A, 2013581: 48-55. ISSN: 0921-5093. IF: 2.647

[35] Qiao, L, Zhang, X. F., He, Y., Zhao, X. N., Guan, Z. W. “Multiscale modelling on the shock-induced chemical reactions of multifunctional energetic structural materials (MESMs)”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 113: 173513-1-17. ISSN 0021-8979, IF: 2.101

[36] Zhang, X.F., Shi, A.S., Qiao, L., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y.G. and Guan, Z.W., "Experimental study on impact-initiated characters of multifunctional energetic structural materials", Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 113: 083508-1-10. ISSN 0021-8979, IF: 2.101

[37] Qiao, L., Zhang, X.F., He, Y., Shi, A.S. and Guan, Z.W., "Mesoscale simulation on the shock compression behaviour of Al-W-Binder granular metal mixtures", Materials & Design, 2013, 47: 141-349. ISSN: 0261-3069, IF: 3.997

[38] Smith, M., Guan, Z.W. and Cantwell, W.J., " Finite Element Modelling of the Quasi-Static Collapse Behaviour of Lattice Structures Manufactured Using the Selective Laser Melting Technique", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2013, 67: 28-41. ISSN: 0020-7403, IF: 2.481

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