








杨杰教授在计算固体力学,复合材料结构力学、先进功能梯度复合材料结构、新型石墨烯/碳纳米管非均匀增强复合材料,结构动力学特性与稳定性、结构非线性力学行为、微/纳米力学、微/纳米机电元器件、智能材料结构控制、梯度多孔介质结构力学性能、热机电多场耦合系统及接触力学等研究领域取得了一系列国际公认的研究成果。主持和共同主持由澳大利亚国家研究基金局ARC (Australian Research Council), 澳大利亚国家合作研究中心(AustralianCooperative Research Centre)、香港特别行政区研究基金局RGC (Research Grants Council of Hong Kong)、中国国家自然科学基金等资助的近20项基金项目。杨杰教授在上述领域已发表SCI论文120篇,国际会议论文46篇。其研究成果得到国际同行的广泛关注和高度评价,论文总计被引用3700余次(SCI统计源)4100余次(Scopus统计源),平均每篇被引30余次。个人SCI h-index34Scopus h-index36. 其中2002年发表于Composite Structures (影响因子3.891,复合材料类排名第二)的一篇文章位列该杂志自1984年创刊以来总引用次数第8名。



(一) 在国际学术组织部分兼职  

杨杰教授现为Engineering Structures副主编,Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering副主编, Nanomaterials and Nanosciences高级主编,以及另外4个国际杂志的编委并任美国土木工程师协会ASCE(American Society of Civil Engineers)结构稳定专业委员会委员。自2013年至今任25个国际学术会议的International Steering CommitteeInternational Advisory Committee委员和分会主席并受邀为澳大利亚国家研究基金局、新加坡及香港特别行政区研究基金局评审专家。他同时受邀为70余本国际杂志的审稿人。


(二) 代表性论文论文(2013年至今):

[1] Liu, J., Wang, Y.S., Ke, L.L., Yang, J. Thermo-elastic dynamic instability of an elastic half-plane sliding against a coated half-plane. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2016; 117: 275-285.

[2] Wu, H.L, Yang, J., Kitipornchai, S. Imperfection sensitivity of postbucklingbehaviour of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite beams. Thin-Walled Structures. 2016; 108: 225-233.

[3] Wu, H.L., Kitipornchai, S., Yang, J. Thermo-electro-mechanical postbuckling of piezoelectric FG-CNTRC beams with geometric imperfections. Smart Materials and Structures. 2016; 25(9): Art. No. 095022.

[4] Chen, D., Kitipornchai, S., Yang, J. Nonlinear free vibration of shear deformable sandwich beam with a functionally graded porous core. Thin-Walled Structures. 2016; 197: 39-48.

[5] Zhang, Z., Wu, H.L., Ye, G.F., Yang, J., Kitipornchai, S., Chai, G.Z. Experimental study on bistablebehaviour of anti-symmetric laminated cylindrical shells in thermal environments. Composite Structures. 2016; 144: 24-32.

[6] Chen, D., Yang, J., Kitipornchai, S. Free and forced vibrations of shear deformable functionally graded porous beams. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2016; 108-109: 14-22.

[7] Wu, H.L., Yang, J., Kitipornchai, S. Nonlinear vibration of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite beams with geometric imperfections. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2016; 90: 86-96.

[8] Peng, J.S., Yang, L., Yang, J.Size effect on the dynamic analysis of electrostatically actuated micro-actuators. Microsystem Technologies. 2015; 1-8.

[9] Jia, X.L, Ke, L.L., Feng, C.B., Yang, J, Kitipornchai, S.Size effect on the free vibration of geometrically nonlinear functionally graded micro-beams under electrical actuation and temperature change. Composite Structures. 2015; 133: 1137-1148.

[10] Chen, D., Yang, J., Kitipornchai, S. Elastic buckling and static bending of shear deformable functionally graded porous beam. Composite Structures. 2015; 133: 54-61.

[11] Fakhrabadi, M.M.S, Yang, J. Comprehensive nonlinear electromechanical analysis of nanobeams under DC/AC voltages based on consistent couple-stress theory. Composite Structures. 2015; 132: 1206-1218.

[12] Hao, Y.X., Zhang W., Yang, J., Li, S.B. Nonlinear dynamics of functionally graded thin simply-supported plate under a hypersonic flow. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2015; 22 (8): 619-632.

[13] Liang, L.N, Ke, L.L.,Wang, Y.S., Yang, J., Kitipornchai, S. Flexural vibration of an atomic force microscope cantilever based on modified couple stress theory. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2015; 15 (7): 1540025 (16 pages).

[14] Liu, C., Ke, L.L.,Wang, Y.S., Yang, J.Nonlinear vibration of nonlocal piezoelectric nanoplates. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2015; 18 (5): 1540013 (20 pages)

[15] Yang, J., Kitipornchai, S., Feng, C.Nonlinear vibration analysis of PZT4/PZT-5H monomorph and bimorph beams with graded microstructure. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2015; 15 (7): 1540015 (18 pages).

[16] Yang, J., Ke, L.L., Feng, C.Dynamic buckling of thermo-electro-mechanically loaded FG-CNTRC beams. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2015; 15 (8): 1540017 (17 pages)

[17] Wu, H.L., Kitipornchai, S., Yang, J. Free vibration and buckling analysis of sandwich beams with functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite face sheets. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2015; 15 (7): 1540011 (17 pages).

[18] Peng, J.S., Yang, L., Luo, G.B., Yang, J.Nonlinear electro-dynamic analysis of micro-actuators: Effect of material nonlinearity. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2014; 38 (11-12): 2781-2790.

[19] Liu, J., Wang, Y.S., Ke, L.L., Yang, J.,Alam, F. Dynamic instability of an elastic solid sliding against a functionally graded material coated half-plane. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2014; 89: 323-331.

[20] Ke, L.L., Wang, Y.S., Yang, J., Kitipornchai, S. The size-dependent vibration of embedded magneto-electro-elastic cylindrical nanoshells. Smart Materials and Structures. 2014; 23: Art No. 125036.

[21] Jia, X.L., Zhang, S. M., Ke, L.L., Yang, J.,Kitipornchai, S. Thermal effect on the pull-in instability of functionally graded micro-beams subjected to electrical actuation. Composite Structures. 2014; 116: 136-146.

[22] Ke, L.L., Yang, J., Kitipornchai, S., Wang, Y.S., Axisymmetric postbuckling analysis of size-dependent functionally graded annular microplates using the physical neutral plane. International Journal of Engineering Science. 2014; 81: 66-81.

[23] Peng, J.S., Yang, L., Yang, J.Dynamic pull-in instability of a micro-actuator made of nonlinear elasticity material. Smart Materials and Structure. 2014; 23: Art No. 065023 (8 pages).

[24] Liu, C., Ke, L.L., Wang, Y.S., Yang, J.,Kitipornchai, S. Buckling and post-buckling of size-dependent piezoelectric Timoshenko nanobeams subjected to thermo-electro-mechanical loadings. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2014; 14 (4): Art No. 1350067 (22 pages).

[25] Ke, L.L., Wang, Y.S., Yang, J., Kitipornchai, S. Free vibration of size-dependent magneto-electro-elastic nanoplates based on the nonlocal theory. ActaMechanicaSinica. 2014; 30 (4): 516-525.

[26] Jia, X.L., Zhang, S.M., Yang, J.,Kitipornchai, S. Pull-in instability of electrically actuated poly-SiGe graded Micro-beams. Coupled System Mechanics. 2013; 2 (3): 215-230.

[27] Liu, C., Ke, L.L., Yang, J.,Kitipornchai, S. Thermo-electro-mechanical vibration of piezoelectric nanoplates based on the nonlocal theory. Composite Structures. 2013; 106: 167-174.

[28] Yang, J.H., Yang, J.,Kitipornchai, S. Dynamic stability of piezoelectric laminated cylindrical shells with delamination. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2013; 24 (4): 1770-1781.

[29] Rafiee, M., Yang, J.,Kitipornchai, S. Thermal bifurcation buckling of piezoelectric carbon nanotube reinforced composite beams. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 2013; 66 (7): 1147-1160.

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